Building a Sustainable & Resilient Government Agency considering environmental constraints

Constant Change, Political-Social-Fiscal landscape shifts, Stakeholder/Customer demands, and now a CV19 Pandemic, are overwhelming Government and Department (Agency) Environments. 

The RISK:  Executive & Operational Team Challenges

Government Executives and their Leadership Teams are engaging at higher operational tempos than ever before imagined. This frequently challenges Executive Teams to have the space and time to make the most balanced and effective short term and long term corporate strategic decisions; decisions regarding, and the impacting, operations and planning for sustainable continuity, safety and performance of their systems, op-tempos and product/service quality.

The SOLUTION:  A phased and agile approach to Optimization and Resiliency
  • Crisis Management: Define & Execute a Required COOP (Continuity of Operations Plan).   Now that agencies have made it through the first round of the COVID 19 crisis, the focus must turn to being more strategic about what comes next. Your agency is likely stressed and stretched from two (2) + months of crisis-mode. There will  be a desire and tendency to try to get back to how things were done in the past as quickly as possible. This is the danger.   Take the Time, now, to Re-think Functions, Personnel and Approaches (Processes) – that can ensure your Agency is more Resilient.
  • Data Collection & Assessment: Collect data while in Crisis to Understand Impacts to Priority Operational Functions and Mission Essential Work. Thinking through and defining a clear Reconstitution (Re-Entry) Optimization Rating (ROR) assesses your ability, ‘maturity’, to reconstitute a new and optimized ‘normal’ coming out of a current, pending or predicted crisis. Look at culture, values, operational readiness, asset readiness and doctrine/process readiness before re-entry.
  • Business Continuity-Optimization Planning: Strategically Plan and Execute your “pivot” from Crisis, or from sub-optimal operations, to a “New Normal” of Improved, Optimized, and Sustainable Operations. Leverage a decision-data-management-based process, along with insights from the ROR maturity and risk analysis; providing a realistic and balanced plan across CAPABILITY-PEOPLE-COST perspectives of your organization.
  • Resiliency in Operations Planning: Planning, Budgeting, and Creating your agency/organizations role in a larger Geo-Ecosystem that reflects holistic societal and environmental transformations related to the way we live and work; in light of where the world is, and may be, heading. Scenario Planning, Wargaming,  Future Event Modeling, etc.; from a Risk Management and probability of occurrence/impact. 


RESOPS decision logic is currently applied and leveraged in various areas across the United States Department of Defense (US DoD); as it scales and plans global operations, manages current and future asset vitality to secure and defend the nation, and looks to maintain agile responsiveness to a rapidly changing world order (Politically, Economically, Socially, Technologically, Environmentally and Legally).